Yogananda’s Energisation exercises are one of the greatest gifts the Master gave to his followers. Read on, to know how they bestow on their practitioners a natural healing and a bouncy resilience to the pressures of everyday living.
I have been practicing Yogananda ji’s Energization Exercises for almost a year now. I did not start them with any expectations. Even today, I don’t do them with any expectations. I do them because I feel inspired to do them every day and feel that’s the right thing to do.
One day, I banged my right foot very hard on the bed frame. The pain was intense; it had started to turn black and blue within a few hours, and I was almost certain I had a hairline fracture on my little toe. That night, I could barely touch the injured portion.
However, the next morning, out of habit, I started to do my Energization Exercises, not very conscious of my injured foot. Eventually, over the day, I noticed that the blood clot on my little toe had started to disintegrate, and the pain had reduced considerably. By day #3, the pain was negligible, and so was the clot.
A day later, my teacher, friend, and guide at Ananda suggested we all do the EE thrice daily, for one week. I took on the challenge and started to do the same. There were busy days when I could not pace the exercises well and found myself squeezing in 2, or sometimes 3 rounds in a matter of 6 hours! Nevertheless, I completed the task, and at the end of one week, we were recommended to continue for another week !! Just to strengthen my daily practice, I set off on week #2. I felt as if it wasn’t blood in my veins, but electricity. I had never felt that energetic and energized before. My husband would often tease and suggest that I should also meditate thrice a day to calm myself down!
I had, in recent years, found myself gaining weight, and didn’t know what to do about it. Miraculously, during the 2 weeks, I found myself needing much less food, and yet not feeling a tinge of weakness or fatigue. Some recent tests have shown that a condition I was dealing with for the last 15 years, had suddenly improved by 50%! So are the benefits only felt on a physical plane? I believe not. I believe internal changes happen too. A long-lasting habit of struggling to make it in time to appointments has started to show improvement.
Can all this be attributed to Energization Exercises? I believe it can be!
This seems just the start. I just feel so exalted and excited at the thought of the bliss that awaits me on the Path, as well as the Grace and Blessings of the Masters, and my spiritual guides and friends.
Aum Guru!