Ananda Ceremonies

Ananda Ceremonies

“Ceremonies are a means of getting groups of people to unite their thoughts and energies.”
– Swami Kriyananda

At Ananda, we often express our inner experience of God’s presence, outwardly as well, through simple, beautiful, and uplifting ceremonies. These ceremonies, written by Swami Kriyananda, help infuse significant events in our lives with God’s presence.

Purification Ceremony

This beautiful ceremony helps us open to divine grace to obtain purification from any particular trait, tendency or event that is causing an obstacle to our spiritual growth. The ceremony involves writing that quality or habit that we are seeking purification from on a piece of paper and burning it at the altar after receiving a blessing from the  Acharya.

Fire Ceremony

In this ceremony, we light a fire (havan) and offer into it all our love, service and devotion, and also our desires and attachments, while chanting Gayatri Mantra and Maha Mrityunjaya mantra. This is a symbolic ceremony outwardly representing our inner fire ceremony, where in deep meditation, and through the practice of kriya yoga, we offer all seeds of past karma, tendencies and desires to be burnt in the fire of enlightenment at our spiritual eye.

Wedding Ceremony and Renewal of Vows

Couples may decide to be united in the presence of God and our line of Gurus and the ashram can be made available for the wedding upon request. The Ananda Wedding Ceremony helps strengthen the couple’s love and aspiration to help their marriage soar in the skies of divine freedom and joy. The couple makes vows to each other, to God and are blessed by our Acharyas. The spiritually uplifting environment of the ashram, devotional chanting, prayer, meditation and uplifting music makes the ceremony deeply inspiring not only for the couple but for all who gather.

House & Office Blessing Ceremony

Invite God’s protection, blessing and loving presence into your home with a simple but powerful House Blessing Ceremony. It is beneficial to conduct such ceremonies when one moves into a new home, place of business, etc. The power of God and the Great Ones helps purify the place, clearing off past heterogenous (possibly harmful) energy and paves the way for joyful living.

This blessing usually includes a prayer, some chanting, and a simple arati (offering of elements to the Divine). We will then bless each part of the space with incense, holy water and devotional chanting. It is a great way to attract powerful blessings at the start of a new journey!

Children’s Birthday Celebrations: A Different Experience for Your Child

Imbue your child’s birthday with the blessings of God and the Great Ones. In addition to fun games, activities, food, cakes and party, let this day also be a day of inner rejuvenation for your child. The serene environment of the ashram along with uplifting games, activities and music led by our Family Sangha teachers will guide the children toward higher values and refined awareness.

To know more about the details and logistics, please contact Roshu (9711430255/ We look forward to celebrating with you!

Festival of Light
The Festival of Light, written by Swami Kriyananda, expresses the core of what we stand for in a moving and poetic way.  It involves people in a way they’ll remember. When you have something rhythmic, with images that are alive, people absorb the words. Weeks later, they will remember a particular phrase. These things, especially when heard repeatedly, enter the subconscious mind and affect the way people look at the whole world. During the festival, we invoke God’s light to flow down to earth, and into the hearts of worshipers both present and afar, through the channels of our line of masters, and the great saints of all religions. Watch the ceremony being conducted below at Ananda Village in April 2015:
Astral Ascension Ceremony

This ceremony speaks to the true reality of our loved ones as eternally living souls and affirms the truth that physical death does not break the connection between us and those we love. The astral ascension ceremony is specifically designed to support the departed soul in their return to God’s light, and can be performed at a distance.