Your Support is a Blessing For All

Your Support is a Blessing for All

Group Photo with Nayaswamis Jyotish and Devi

Ananda is a beacon of light, breaking through the darkness of this world with the universal teachings of Self-realization. Thank you for being a part of this community of souls who support each other on our path to God.

If your life has been touched by our Gurus’ teachings and vibrations, please consider supporting Ananda Delhi in reaching out expansively to truth-seeking souls.

Giving back to the source of our inspiration assures that abundance and blessings continue to flow in our lives.


Make a Donation Today
Become a Supporting Member Today

If you feel inspired to support Ananda Sangha on a regular basis, we invite you to become a Supporting Member by pledging a certain amount every month.

Just as our monthly salary allows us to pay the monthly bills and plan our monthly expenses, the Ananda Delhi Supporting Membership Programme provides a stable financial inflow that enables the ashram to sustain its day-to-day activities and expand our outreach to share Master’s teachings, his light, love and joy with more truth seekers.

    Contact Us to Become a Supporting Member

    Your donation is tax-deductible. Donations to Ananda Sangha are eligible for 50% tax exemption under section 80G of the IT Act, 1961. You will receive your 80G tax exemption certificate.

    Swami Kriyananda talking about the joy of giving and the spiritual growth and understanding that comes through it.

    Your Donation Supports
    • Ananda Delhi’s monthly tithe to support the expansion of Ananda throughout India.
    • Ananda Delhi’s monthly tithe to support Yogananda’s Public Charitable Trust, and the widow mothers in Vrindavan.
    • Ananda Delhi’s day-to-day offerings of ongoing programs and special events, such as Satsangs, morning and evening guided sadhanas (energisation exercises, meditation, affirmations), healing prayers, Ananda Yoga, devotional kirtans, special classes, etc.
    • Ongoing maintenance of the ashram, both inside and outside.
    • Operational services – web services, social media, accounting and other services.
    • Promotion and communication outreach to help truth-seekers find us.
    If you have questions, please write to us at
    Supporting Members Share

    “Ever since I became a supporting member, I have found deep gratification in my spiritual journey. I have experienced Master’s presence in transforming many difficult situations in my life.” – Nirmala

    Dhruv Front Smiling

    “In gratitude for my Guru’s blessings, I can only think of offering my service and share his life mission with everyone I encounter. Ananda has become my second home—a sanctuary where I anchor myself in these profound teachings. Each time I willingly serve, share or contribute to the ashram, I feel an energy flowing through me, expanding my heart and spirit.” – Dhruv Gupta

    Renu Sachar

    “As I continue to give to my Guru’s work, I realize he alone is the doer. When I retired, I looked at his picture, worrying about how life will go on. But he has always looked after me.” – Renu

    “Guruji said God is the doer and God is the Giver. But it is a great fortune for the devotee when God and Gurus inspire a devotee to do something for Guru’s work in this world. Actually the devotee receives more than he gives because he receives blessings of God and Gurus, the habit of sharing gets strengthened in him and his devotion gets stronger and deeper.” – Praveen Kumar Bhatia

    “Being a supporting member offers my wife and me the privilege to contribute in a very small way to spreading the Masters’ amazing work. Kriya Yoga is a gift that’s available to every human being as a scientific tool to empower themselves; a gift, which most of all, has filled our own lives with peace, love and grace.”–Ambrish Arora

    “Being a supporting member has made me feel connected to the great work in the spirit of sharing. It is an expression of faith in God and and keeps the bond between me and the Masters intact and sound.” – Sonal

    “By supporting this work, I realized that everything in the universe is interconnected – more one gives, the more one receives. One should keep aside 1/10th of their earnings for a good cause.” – Alok Manaktala