Education for Life: A New Approach to Education

Education for Life

A Vision for the Future of Education

There are many such skills that are essential to prepare a child for adulthood, and in traditional education many of them are completely ignored. Education for Life is a system that prepares the child to face the challenges of living as a human being, and helps him to achieve balance and harmony in all he does.Swami Kriyananda (J. Donald Wlaters)

A small video showcasing the potential of Education for Life in India

Education for life offers direction for those who feel that education should mean more than the acquisition of facts, more than intellectual exposure to a vast number of untested concepts, and more than a pragmatic preparation for employment. It is an exalted call for change, based on deep insight into the potential of every human being. It tells us how to nurture creativity, wisdom, and intuition in each child, and how to tap into their unexplored capabilities. 

"The problem is that people in traditional forms of education usually approach it from the standpoint of just preparing a person for a job. But one’s job isn’t the definition of one’s life—it’s only that which enables you to have enough money to meet your needs. Our lives encompass a much broader arena than one’s capacity to earn money. Any educational system that teaches only job skills or offers only intellectual information is neglecting the essential needs of human beings. The solution is a form of education that trains us in that which is most relevant to us—how to find lasting happiness in life.""Education for Life" by Swami Kriyananda

Our workshops, based on the principles of ‘Education for Life’, aim to build certain essential life skills in students that would enable them to face any situation in life with confidence, wisdom, maturity, and a positive attitude. 

We empower students with tools and techniques to improve their energy level, focus, and concentration as well as develop deeper listening skills, interpersonal skills, and effective communication. The overall objective of the program is to nurture and bring out the inherent leadership qualities of each individual and provide a direction toward what true success means and its achievement. 

School Workshops Logo Education for Life
School Workshops Logo


In the hubbub of academic life filled with myriad pressures, moral values and life skills tend to take a backseat. Despite the best efforts of teachers and students, these values are often only taught incidentally, never directly. As a result, we see a whole generation of students drawing their standards of conduct from television, movies, games, popular music, and other media.

The purpose of this program, therefore, is to help students refine their life skills, better understand themselves, learn to deal with life’s realities using essential life skills, and become well-rounded individuals. These programs help students to:

  • Define true success and happiness
  • Reduce stress and anxiety
  • Improve focus and concentration
  • Develop courage and willpower
  • Improve interpersonal skills and communication
  • Increase empathy 
  • Effectively manage emotions 
  • Be in a high-energy state
  • Have an increased enthusiasm for everything
  • Respect and relate to others’ realities

Glimpses from Previous Workshops


For these special workshops, we use the following methods to aid the learning process:

  • Teacher-Led Discussions:
    Discussions carefully led by the teacher help guide students’ minds and thinking processes to gradually uncover the truth on their own. The goal is to nudge students in the right direction so they understand the value of the teachings intuitively, and not merely theoretically.

  • Tracking Worksheets:
    Tracking worksheets will be given at the end of every session and reviewed in the next one. These worksheets help students to understand the practicality of these life skills beyond mere mental concepts or moral platitudes.

  • Meditation, Visualisation, and Affirmations:
    Our restless nature is one of the key challenges in learning anything. Using simple techniques of meditation, visualizations, and affirmations, students will learn to calm their minds, relax at will and be more open not only to the course content but to life!

  • Games & Activities:
    Fun games and activities will help awaken enthusiasm and break the monotony of everyday life while still conveying deep moral truths and life skills.

  • Group Tasks:
    Group tasks help enforce a spirit of cooperation, teamwork, and relating to others – everything a leader needs. 

  • Physical Exercises and Breathing Techniques:
    Energy is the key to everything. Once a student’s energy is uplifted, he’s awake and ready to learn with joy. There’s hardly a better or quicker way to increase the general level of energy than simple body movements combined with breathing exercises. These will also give students a healthy way to raise their energy when feeling low.

  • Music:
    Music not only reflects a state of mind but also creates it. It bypasses the intellect and goes to the heart. By using uplifting music pertinent to our discussion, we can enhance the positive qualities we hope to see in the students’ lives. 

  • Journalling/Introspection:
    The ability to introspect and understand oneself is crucial no matter where one ends up in life. By providing regular introspection opportunities, we will train students to look within for their answers – to come up with original insights and develop their intuitive faculties, all of which are key to being an effective leader.

  • One-on-One discussions:
    Should the students be interested, we would like to plan informal one-on-one sessions to understand some of the challenges they might be facing and how to overcome them. These discussions can be one of the most important aspects of the program for they give an opportunity to talk freely and frankly about issues that may not come up during the course of daily school life.

  • Field Trip(s):
    Informal field trips facilitate bonding and make learning fun rather than a formal and somber affair.  

Contact Us

Whether you are looking for programs for teachers or students; whether you want one-day workshops or longer programs spread over a few weeks – we can create them for you! We routinely create custom programs for our schools & universities to help them achieve their goals – whatever they may be. 

You can either fill the form or call/text us on the information below. It will be our joy to speak to you!

Call/WhatsApp: +91-96509-58815 