
Your Karma, Your Dharma: How to avoid the cycle of Samsara

Nayaswami Shivani, one of the founding members of Ananda Village, a Kriyacharya and Yogacharya, will be in NCR from 7th to 17th March. We invite you to join her in this and other programmes she’ll be giving around NCR. Schedule: 8:30              Energize with Shivani 9:00 - 10:00      Meditation with Shivani 10:30 - 12:30    ... Read More

Guided Meditation in Hindi

Ananda Delhi N-100, Panchsheel Park, New Delhi

Join us for guided meditation available for the first time in Hindi. To recharge and re-inspire your meditation practice with a group of like minded souls. Master strongly emphasized the importance of Group Meditations. The spiritual ambiance of the ashram will enable you to progress in the higher realm. Guided Meditations in Hindi will make it easier to deepen your practice ... Read More

“Entering the Inner Stillness” – Sunday Morning Silent Retreat

  "Silence is the Altar of Spirit.” – Paramhansa Yogananda Let’s join for deeper spiritual practices together this Sunday! Our guru, Paramhansa Yogananda says, "Group meditation is like a castle which protects spiritual novices as well as veteran meditators against the besieging armies of delusion. Meditating together increases the degree of Self-realization of each member of the group, by the ... Read More

Healing Sound and Music Workshop

The sound and music workshop will have a very powerful combination of Mantras, Affirmations and Devotional Chanting. Over the period of three hours we will experience the intense healing and harmonizing power of some of the most potent and powerful vibrations in the universe! The effect different musical instruments have on our consciousness, the effect of the gong and conch, ... Read More