Kriya Yoga is an advanced technique for spiritual evolution that has been taught by enlightened sages for thousands of years. It is mentioned by Patanjali in his Sutras and by Krishna in the Bhagavad Gita. Kriya works by giving the practitioner control of the life force. Through life force control, the yogi is able to overcome all the obstacles preventing union with the divine.
According to Paramhansa Yogananda in Autobiography of a Yogi ― Kriya Yoga is the most effective technique for reaching the goal of Self-Realization; Self-Realization is knowing in all parts of body, mind, and soul that you are now in possession of the kingdom of God; that you do not have to pray that it come to you; that God’s omnipresence is your omnipresence; and that all you need to do is improve your knowing.
Those wanting to learn the advanced Kriya Yoga Meditation techniques need first to develop a regular daily practice of Meditation and the Energization Exercises. Further steps include lessons and courses in discipleship that are available. It typically requires a minimum of 9 months to one year of daily practice of the energization exercises and the Hong-Sau technique before one receives Kriya Initiation.
Learn to Meditate – Level 1
Paramhansa Yogananda taught two basic techniques that can be learned and practiced by anyone, of any faith, on any path. The Hong-Sau technique of concentration and Introduction to the Energisation Exercises. This course consists of pre-recorded lessons and two live online sessions, taking advantage of both the flexibility of online learning and personal interactions.
The practice of Kriya rests upon a foundation of daily meditation, service and devotion.
You will be given tested techniques to still your body, free your mind from restless thoughts and direct your inner awareness upward to subtle spiritual realms within. These practical methods will quickly help you to relax the body and mind, focus your concentration, and expand your consciousness. Learn through direct experience what joy, peace, and deep calmness are really like and discover how quickly, through daily practice, these qualities can be yours in all aspects of your life!
Topics to be covered:
– How to reduce tension and stress at will
– How to concentrate more effectively
– Correct posture
– Introduction to Energisation Exercises
– How to establish a daily routine of sadhana
Starts on Sunday, 5 May 2024
The Art & Science of Raja Yoga – Level 2
Some of the topics covered are:
– Breath, mind, spinal currents,
– Chakras, energy, mental and emotional attitudes,
– Devotion, will power,
– Yoga philosophy, psychology,
– Meditation, energisation
– Asanas, affirmations,
– Healing techniques, and the role of the Guru.
[Completion of level 1 and a regular practice are pre-requisites.]
Kriya Preparation One – Part I
This 3-class series will take you deeper into your spiritual practices. With deepening meditations, we begin to shift our attention from the limited ego to our infinite soul nature. The series aims to cultivate your receptivity and attunement to receive divine grace and inner guidance. You’ll learn the importance of becoming a disciple of life, and also the essential attitudes of the timeless disciple-guru relationship. At the end of this series, those who feel to will have an opportunity to take the step of discipleship to Paramhansa Yogananda and our line of gurus.
Prerequisite: The Art and Science of Raja Yoga – Level 2
Kriya Preparation 1 – Part II
In this 3-class series, you will learn the AUM Meditation Technique as taught by Paramhansa Yogananda, which is the third technique in the path of Kriya Yoga. It is a tremendously powerful tool of God-realization. Through absorption in AUM, we soon come to realize that the AUM is the bridge between human consciousness and Cosmic Consciousness. You will also have an opportunity to dive deeper into the Chakras.
Prerequisites: Kriya Preparation One – Part 1 and Discipleship Initiation
Kriya Yoga Preparation II: Magnetizing the Spine and Preparing for Kriya
These classes include group sadhana, and deeper discussions about the history, purpose, and benefits of Kriya Yoga – as well as advanced instruction and practice of meditation using specific Kriya preparation techniques that magnetize the spine. The Kriya preparation techniques are practiced before one is eligible for Kriya Yoga initiation.
Prerequisite: Kriya Preparation One – Part 1 and 2, and strong, daily meditation practice