
Joy in Nature: ‘Sharing Nature’ Activities and Meditation

“Wild creatures attract us because we have a natural affinity for those sharing the gift of life. Communing with fellow living beings helps us discover the richness of our own souls.” – The Sky and Earth Touched Me, by Joseph Bharat Cornell Let’s get out of our house and office, and experience the peace and joy of nature. Simple, enjoyable ... Read More

“Understand the Gunas, Transform Your Life”

The whole universe is a mixture of three gunas (sattwa, raja and tama gunas). All creation including every human being manifests these three universal qualities of Nature to varying degrees, depending on the vibrations of his consciousness and energy. As described in the Gita, a simple act of giving a gift or advice to someone can be either sattwic, rajasic ... Read More

Introduction to Meditation

Do you want to learn how to meditate? This short session will introduce you to Ananda’s meditation practices which are based on the teachings of Paramhansa Yogananda. Learn the benefits of meditation and a few basic tips of how to meditate, and experience a short guided meditation. Free of charge. Invite your friends and family!Register Now