Nayaswami Bhajana, a long time member of Ananda Sangha in Europe, is a native of Austria. She is married to Nayaswami Kabir, a founding member of Ananda in America. Since 2002, she has been sharing the teachings of Paramhansa Yogananda in Italy, India, Austria, the UAE, and now in the United States.
Speaking with enthusiasm and inspiration, she teaches seminars and classes on a wide variety of spiritual topics, guides silent retreats, and co-leads Ananda pilgrimages to India and Italy. Recently in India she taught two Ananda Yoga Teacher Training Level 1 courses (200 hours each), training twenty new Ananda Yoga instructors in Gurgaon and Delhi. And in Italy, she just completed co-teaching the 6-week Raja Yoga Teacher Training course with Nayaswami Shivani Lucki.
Nayaswami Bhajana is an experienced teacher of:
- Ananda Yoga and the Chakras
- Ananda Yoga for the Spine
- Ananda Yoga for Higher Energy
- Ananda Yoga for Peace and Inner Fulfillment
- Ananda Yoga for a Calm and Loving Heart
- Ananda Yoga for Harmonizing the Three Doshas – Ayurveda
- The Power of Pranayamas for Spiritual Progress
- Meditation and the Art of Living
- The Art and Science of Kriya Yoga
- The Inner Universe -The Power of the Chakras
- The Physical and Mental Yogic Diet
- Patanjali – The Eight-Fold Path to Enlightenment
- Guided semi-seclusion meditation retreats (3 – 5 days) Silent Retreats for Kriyabans, with special Ananda Yoga and long meditations