Let’s Walk the
Path of Kriya Yoga

Ananda Gurgaon Kriya Yoga Classes Schedule

Level 1: Learn to Meditate – The Path of Kriya Yoga (2 Classes)

  • Introduction to Kriya Yoga
  • Learn Paramhansa Yogananda’s powerful and effective Hong Sau technique for concentration
  • Learn Paramhansa Yogananda’s Energization Exercises, a powerful set of exercises to recharge the body with energy and overcome fatigue
  • Develop regular habit of meditation and lead a harmonious life

Class 1 Date: 17th Jan (Sunday)
Class 2 Date: 24th Jan (Sunday)

Time Slot
11.00 am – 1.00 pm

Donation: INR 1000

Level 2: Raja Yoga – Foundation for Kriya Yoga (6 Classes)
Raja Yoga or the ‘Royal’ yoga integrates the yogic teachings into every day life. With meditation as the integral part, This level gives us scientific, holistic and practical tools for practical use in daily life.

Pre-requisite – completion of Level 1 above
Schedule to be shared on completion of Level 1

Level 3: AUM and Discipleship (6 Classes)
In these set of classes, we shall dive deeper into ourselves, explore Guru- Disciple relationship. We shall learn a powerful Pratyahara technique, the AUM technique and Initiation to Discipleship.

Pre-requisite – completion of Level 2 – Raja Yoga
Schedule to be shared on completion of Level 2

Level 4: Preparation for Kriya (4 – 6 Classes)
Deepening Sadhana and understanding the importance of being ready to receive the Kriya. We will learn techniques to prepare the body, philosophy to better understand Kriya Yoga and how to successfully practice it.

Pre-requisite – completion of Level 3
Schedule to be shared on completion of Level 3