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“Health does not mean mere existence. Keeping out of the hospital is not health. To be able to resist disease, to bear the strain, to stimulate mental vitality, and to feel the body as a luxury—as a bird feels when shooting through the air—is health.” – Paramhansa Yogananda

Who doesn’t want more energy, vitality, and joy in life? In this workshop, you will learn Paramhansa Yogananda’s teachings on diet and sunshine to live a radiantly healthy life.

Topics of discussion include:

  • The power of diet to upscale our energy, well-being, and magnetism
  • Can diet change the way we relate to the world?
  • How to use sunshine to enhance our mood and health
  • These and many more yogic secrets will help you gain a new insightful approach to physical and mental vitality.
Registration Fee: ₹ 300

(This workshop will be conducted in-person and online; if you can’t join in person, then a zoom link will be shared with you after making the payment.)