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Yogananda Flower Essences to Achieve Perfect Well-Being
Saturday, 30 September, 11:00 am – 1:30 pm

Non-toxic, non-habit-forming, quick-acting, inexpensive, and easy to use, Yogananda Flower Essences stimulate your existing, inherent highest potential. These remedies are based on the insights of Paramhansa Yogananda’s psycho-spiritual qualities of certain foods. Come to this workshop, conducted by Lila Devi, the founder for nearly 50 years of the oldest flower essences outside the UK where essences first began.

Learn How:

✔️ Yogananda Flower Essences impart the ray of the great spiritual master of India, Paramhansa Yogananda.

✔️ You can strengthen your positive qualities with these safe vibrational medicines.

✔️ To enhance your magnetism, productivity, abundance – and most of all, your inner peace.

✔️ To understand yourself as an energetic being, filled with unlimited life force!

✔️ To improve your relationships, especially with yourself.

✔️ To “wear your flower essence glasses.”

✔️ You can use them for children, pets, and plants, as well as for people of all ages!

✔️ To take flower essences – and how not to.

✔️ To empower your essence program with affirmations – rewritten 19 times by Swami Kriyananda.

Are you working with specific physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual issues? Then this workshop is for you! New diagnostic tools will be given for the first time in India!

Registration Fee: ₹ 500

About the Presenter:

Lila Devi is the founder of Spirit-in-Nature Essences, est.1977, commissioned by Swami Kriyananda. She lectures nationally and abroad. Lila graduated with honors from the University of Michigan, and is considered one of the foremost flower essence developers in the world today. She has authored 7 books and counting, including 4 for children: An Ananda minister, she has lived and served in the Ananda communities for 47 years and currently resides at the Village outside Nevada City, California. spirit-in-nature.com and liladeviauthor.com


From Lila’s students: 

“Lila embodies the essences and she lives what she speaks.” 

“It is a blessing to be in her energy and to see how she stabilizes the space in which she works and how she harmonizes the energy of the people and the environment around her.” 

“Lila is a teacher full of love and devotion for flower essences and also for her students. She is an inspiration and is very good at guiding us.” 

“Lila is very inspirational, and she makes us all want to become better people.”