We’ve grown up to see history as linear – that we are the most advanced species that has ever lived. But the ancient scriptures tell us that time is cyclical – that man evolves to the heights of self-realization and then slowly devolves, only to evolve again. This is the cycle of the Yugas.
In this session, we will explore the Yugas not only as an interesting concept but as a tool for our personal spiritual growth, as taught by Swami Sri Yukteswar and Paramhansa Yogananda:
✔ The concept of Yugas with supporting historical evidence
✔ The key motivations and characteristics of each Yuga
✔ Spiritual techniques to tune into the consciousness of each age
✔ How to use this understanding for our spiritual growth
Join us for this highly interactive and inspiring session to explore your own highest potential as Divine Beings.
Registration Fee: Rs 300 (Free for Supporting Members)