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Lost in our daily routines and endless to-do’s, we forget to stop, open our hearts and be grateful for life itself. Yogananda said, “Make every day a day of Thanksgiving, and continuous contentment will sparkle in your body, mind, and soul.”

With Ananda Yoga, guided meditation, visualization, affirmation, inspiration, and introspection, let’s improve our ability to feel and express gratitude. Soon we’ll find the little spark of divine joy turn into flames of bliss.

Registration Fee: Rs.500 (Pre-registration appreciated. Lunch is included)

Aarti Verma is a certified Ananda Yoga and Meditation teacher and a Sharing Nature facilitator. She is certified in specialty yoga including Chair Yoga and Restorative Yoga. Aarti has been conducting specialized workshops and classes for Ananda Sangha Delhi since 2016. The recent class topics include karma and free will, and overcoming harmful emotions. She is also a sound therapist with a keen interest in aiding people to balance their energies.

Surabhi Bali is a painter, a creative artist and a theatre actor. Her paintings and sculptures have been displayed in various city art galleries. She has used multiple mediums and visual languages in the past two decades to express herself. In 2021, she published her first book of short stories, Towards Life and Other Stories. Surabhi is initiated into Kriya Yoga, and has been an active member at Ananda Sangha Delhi.