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Yogananda Chakra Blend Flower Essences to Strengthen and Invigorate your Metaphysical and Complete Self  by Lila Devi
Sunday, 1 October, 11:30 am – 1:00 pm

How do we “fix” our own chakras? By strengthening, balancing, and energizing our own life-giving life force! This workshop will give you the practical tools to do just that. Bring with you your questions and your enthusiasm!

Yogananda Flower Essences have been time-tested in India for nearly 20 years, plus being the oldest flower essences globally outside the UK for nearly 50 years! They have been used on every continent for people of all ages, pets, and even plants.

This class will impart to you:

✔️ Why Yogananda Flower Essences are so effective in strengthening the flow of your chakras.

✔️ A special technique for accurately locating your own chakras within your metaphysical spine.

✔️ The truth about a blocked and or misaligned chakra.

✔️ Having others assess and “fix” your chakras.

✔️ What are the higher and lower octaves of each of the chakras.


Why wait for bliss to come to you? Bliss is our true nature. Come to this workshop to learn how to access that quality, and others, within you – right now!

Registration Fee: ₹ 300 per person (free for supporting members)

About the Presenter:

Lila Devi is the founder of Spirit-in-Nature Essences, est.1977, commissioned by Swami Kriyananda. She lectures nationally and abroad. Lila graduated with honors from the University of Michigan and is considered one of the foremost flower essence developers in the world today. She has authored 7 books and counting, including 4 for children: An Ananda minister, she has lived and served in the Ananda communities for 47 years and currently resides at the Village outside Nevada City, California. spirit-in-nature.com and liladeviauthor.com


“Almost immediately I felt the 5th Chakra Blend starting to work. I chose it because I need confidence in speaking up for myself. Now I’m going to do all the others as well. Thank you for these beautiful products!” Lajjana Beninga, Seattle, Washington