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Is there a way out of the karmic cycle? Can we reduce the effect of our past actions? This workshop aims to help you better understand the purpose of everyday karmic challenges and practical solutions. By taking the attitude of a “spiritual scientist” learn to use the effective healing techniques of Paramhansa Yogananda to rise above your karma.

  • What is the purpose of karma and how it operates?
  • Is it meant to punish us or benefit us?
  • Why it is good to get a handle on karma
  • Finding the seeds of karma
  • How can we overcome or reduce the impact of our karma?
  • Real stories of spiritual effort to mitigate karma

This workshop covers both theory and experiential.

Registration Fee: Rs 300

(This workshop will be conducted in-person and online; if you can’t join in person, a Zoom link will be shared with you after making the payment.)

Rashmi Krishnan has served her country for 35 years as an IAS officer. Rashmi joined Ananda Sangha in 2011. Rashmi has been actively sharing the teachings of Yogananda through classes and workshops on various spiritual topics including healing techniques, diet, happiness and more. Rashmi regularly writes a blog post on the Ananda India website.

Aarti Verma is a certified Ananda Yoga and Meditation teacher and a Sharing Nature facilitator. She is certified in specialty yoga including Chair Yoga and Restorative Yoga. Aarti has been conducting specialized workshops and classes for Ananda Sangha Delhi since 2016. The recent class topics include karma and free will, and overcoming harmful emotions. She is also a sound therapist with a keen interest in aiding people to balance their energies.