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Kriya Preparation 1 – Part 2
Starts on Sunday, 8 December

In this 3-class series, you will learn the AUM Meditation Technique as taught by Paramhansa Yogananda, which is the third technique in the path of Kriya Yoga. It is a tremendously powerful tool of God-realization. Through absorption in AUM, we soon come to realize that AUM is the bridge between human consciousness and cosmic consciousness.

In addition, you will have the opportunity to dive deeper into the chakras and learn some preparatory techniques for Kriya.

Dates: Sundays, 8, 15 & 29 December, 11:30 am – 1:45 pm

Registration fee: ₹ 2,500 (includes textbook and aum board).

Prerequisites: Kriya Preparation 1 – Part 1 and Discipleship Initiation.