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Introduction to Meditation and the Path of Kriya Yoga

Saturday, 20 April, 5:45 – 7:00 pm (In-Person & Online)

Paramhansa Yogananda wrote, “Meditation is the highest form of activity a person can perform.” It is one of the most natural and rewarding of all human activities. It gives a direct, intuitive experience of higher consciousness, and is the cornerstone of deep spirituality. It also brings balance, rest and growing inner peace.  This short session will introduce you to Ananda’s meditation practices which are based on the teachings of Paramhansa Yogananda. You will learn: 

✅ What Is (True) Meditation and What It Is Not,
✅ A Step-by-Step Guide to Succesful Meditation,
✅ The Proper Posture for Sitting in Meditation, 
✅ How To Experience Greater Awareness Through Guided Meditation, and 
✅ Steps Toward Your Journey to Learning Kriya Yoga

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