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How to Activate the Laws of Success and Abundance
With Nayaswami Shivani, author of Healing with Life Force

Saturday, 16 March, 10:30 am – 1:30 pm
Venue: Ananda Sangha Delhi, N-100 Panchsheel Park
(In-person & Online)


“The secret of success is viewing every day as a fresh beginning, bright with promise.”

Do you aspire to be dynamically, radiantly, vibrantly healthy? We don’t just need to eat well and think positively. When we consider the state of our health—our health profile—let us not forget such important aspects of our lives as our creative abilities, career satisfaction, and economic well-being. When we open ourselves to Life Force, it fills us with vitality. When we open ourselves to abundance, that inexhaustible Source expands our horizons and propels us on our journey to Self-realization.

Paramhansa Yogananda encourages us to:

“Believe you are inherently healthy when you want good health; believe you are inherently prosperous when you want prosperity; believe you are inherently wise when you want wisdom – then health, prosperity, and wisdom will manifest themselves in you.”

In this workshop, we will explore:

✅ The relationship between your karma and your dharma

✅ Why should a yogi strive for success?

✅ Is there enough abundance to go around?

✅ How to attract creative ideas, solutions, and opportunities.

✅ Money magnetism: how to attract it and how to use it

✅ How to plan for success and how to deal with failure

✅ How to make God your life partner

Health, happiness and abundance await you! Join us!

Registration: Rs.1,100 (for both in-person and online)
Includes a simple lunch.

This workshop will involve some writing exercises, please be ready with a notebook or journal with a pen. 

Also, it’s recommended to have with you, Volume Three: Magnetism, of the trilogy, Healing with Life Force, by Nayaswami Shivani. You can buy at our Delhi boutique or online here.

About The Speaker

Nayaswami Shivani co-founded the Yogananda Academy of Europe, established the Life Therapy School for Self-Healing, and founded the Ananda Raja Yoga School. She served as Executive Producer on the inspiring docudrama film “Finding Happiness.” Shivani has earned a worldwide reputation as one of the foremost teachers of meditation, specifically Kriya Yoga, an ancient method that Paramhansa Yogananda re-introduced to the world in modern times. She helped establish two Ananda communities—one in California and one near Assisi, Italy, where she and her husband have lived since 1985.