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Good Friday Celebrations (In-Person & Online)
Friday, 18 April, 7:30 – 10:00 am: Morning Meditation; 7:00 – 8:30 pm: Devotional Kirtan

On this morning of Good Friday, let us gather in meditation and prayer to honor the life of Christ – his compassion, love, and service to humanity. Then, in the evening, we’ll have more stories and chanting, interspersed with short meditations to dynamically tune into the presence of Christ.

Just as Jesus Christ opened his heart to God’s will, let us offer ourselves evermore completely at the feet of the Divine. With faith, devotion, and surrender to His will, our lives will be guided to final freedom in Him.

If you can’t join in person, join us online: us02web.zoom.us/j/88462209396

Also on Facebook Live: facebook.com/anandasanghadelhi/live