Yoga asana is not just a physical exercise. If you are interested in deepening your asana practice and want to experience more benefits physically, mentally and spiritually, this three-part weekend series is a perfect opportunity for you.

Paramhansa Yogananda used to say “Laziness is the death of spirituality. [A Yogi] has mastered activity. There is nothing he cannot do.” The practices of Ananda Yoga, when done properly, help us to overcome laziness and become masters of our body. However, Yoga done with excessive physical focus can cause injury, and result in fatigue or restlessness.

Join Murali from Ananda Seattle for the three-part “Deepen Your Yoga Asana Practice” series, and go deeper into both the physical practice and the spiritual journey.

All are welcome

Limited space

Registration will be closed as soon as it becomes full.

About the Teacher

Murali Venkatrao is an Ananda Acharya, and the Director of Yoga Teacher Training at the Ananda Institute of Living Yoga in Seattle, Washington, in America.  The Institute is an RYS 200 and RYS 300 registered school. Born in India, he practiced yoga since he was eight years old. Murali has studied different variations of Hatha Yoga both in India and the US. He has been teaching Yoga for the past 14 years. Formerly a Software Architect at Microsoft, Murali is currently pursuing his PhD in Yoga at Prashanti Kuteeram in Bangalore, India.

Part 1 – “Applying the Yoga Sutras to Deepen Your Asana Practice”

Saturday, 1 December, 10:00 am – 1:00 pm

The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali provide us guidance on how to take Yoga practices beyond the physical body and integrate it with prana (energy) and bhav (feeling).

In this class, we will study selected Yoga Sutras from chapters 1 (Samadhi Pada) and 2 (Sadhana Pada), and learn how to apply them in our practice of Yoga asanas. In addition to asanas, we will also study the higher practices of Hatha Yoga: mudras, bandhas, and pranayama.

The class with be experiential, with the discussions on Sutras alternating with the practice of asanas, mudras, bandhas, and pranayama.

Registration – Rs.1,000/- (including lunch)

Discount for Ananda Sangha Supporting Members – Rs.750/- (including lunch)

Part 2 – “Taking Care of Joints and Injuries”

Saturday, 1 December, 3:00 – 5:30 pm

One of the primary benefits of yoga asanas is to develop muscle strength and joint range of motion (ROM). Taken together, these are very effective in preventing back pain and knee pain.

In this class, we will study:

  • The essential anatomy of knees, hips and the spine
  • Asanas that are particularly effective for a healthy back and injury-free knees
  • How to modify asanas for students who have back and knee injuries

The class will be an even split between theory and practice.

All are welcome. Especially recommended for yoga teachers.

Registration – Rs.1,000/-

Discount for Ananda Sangha Supporting Members – Rs.750/-

Part 3 – “The History and Lineage of Yoga”

Sunday, 2 December, 12:00 – 1:30 pm

Swami Kriyananda writes, “The history of yoga must begin with its origins in the vision of great masters in ancient times. Later masters of this science are important to us to know, not for what they did to improve on the ancient teachings, but for what they did to preserve them.”

This class looks at the history of Yoga in archeology, the Upanishads, the Yoga Sutras, then to Hatha Yogic writings in the middle ages, to the modern masters such as BKS Iyengar and Pattabhi Jois, and finally, what Swami Kriyananda did to re-align (Hatha) Yoga with this ancient lineage.

Free of Charge.